warning r18+ (not really)
so we met at 7.18pm at flinders st in our dresses and presents, and once i arrived we headed down southbank. we walked and walked, looking for a place to eat , a classy place to eat, because afterall we were all now mature classy and most importantly LEGAL young ladies. (but even more importantly, not so rich..)
after dileberating between a few places (one place having a menu of average $300 per dish), we chose "the brasserie" at crown. unfortunately, they only had outdoor seats which came with the classic moonlit view of the yarra's edge. very unfortunate.

We ordered:
Barossa Valley chicken, Parisienne potato, mushroom and tomato in chasseur sauce
Fricassée de volaille sautée chasseur, pomme de terre parisienne
Medley of lamb, Navarin jus, sautéed Winter vegetables
Quatres cuisson sur l'agneau, jus d'un navarin, petits légumes d'hiver glacés
Grilled sirloin, French fries (280gr)
Entrecôte poêlée, pommes frites

And of course, a bottle of suwii and my first legal drink:
2004 Château Saint Barbe Merlot, Bordeaux
(and they didnt even check our ID ..)

As we waited for our food, we exchanged presents :D
This is what i got from
Li ; mascara XD i so knew it !
Jn ; a cow cushion/toy that im in love with <3>
We took a few photos too..

me and my cow from jn *hugs*
Jess had TWO exams the next day (whoa), so she had to leave early :( so we paided the bill and ran away xD (it came up to $139 O_______o) . me and suwii walked her back up to hammer hall & then on the way back to crown linda called and told suwii chemistry jokes.
We met up with li&jn once again (after 2 security guards hit on suwii) and then headed for
We werent allowed to take photos in there, so that was really crapola cause it was so much fun !!! (don't worry, we memorised the gambling hotline 1800 892 092) .
First we signed up for the Crown Club, and this hilarious host guy showed us around. He was sooo funny !! and because it was suwii & my birthday.. we got FREE $5 to spend on our crown cards :D We played a little pokies on "The lucky Rabbit" and WON $1 !! hahaha . it was really confusing, but thankfully jn was a master. For those that dont know, you win in like ^2 increments . eg . 2c -> 4c -> 8c -> 16c -> 32c etc. but if u lose, you loose it all . so you haveta "gamble" whether to collect or play on.
It was so funny cause we'd win like 4cents and scream and hi5 each other .. and then like 10 old guys would suddenly appear and watch you .. like a pack of hawks ! or whatever the collective noun for that is xD . And then they'd realise we'd only won 4c xD . we were soo n00b . So actually winning $1 was heaps considering the incriments .. all thanks to suwii's lucky rabbit !
Our next destination was the bar to get our first legal cocktail xD we choose the "Toblerone" made by our fabulous bartender Matt (: It was so good !
We wandered around with our drink, but decided not to play anything else (it was soo expensive..) . we tried to get into a game of roulette but this ruudee old asian lady told us off cause we were so n00b . >______>
Lets just say, the people in the casino weren't very nice. (except the staff) . There were a lot of old guys.. and most of them were really sleazy and gross. The initial excitement of it was fun, but I dont see why you would go back all the time -___-'' I mean, it was really sad to see all these people wasting their money away like that. (like this one guy betting on $100 black jack tables . seriously O_______O.) People were rude and selfish. Like cause we didnt know how to play, we asked people to help us . but they were just so rude !!! It wasnt a very nice atmosphere & yes, suwii got hit on by another old guy xD . Sleazyy and gross.
ANYWAY.. Soon enough, it was time to head back. we were meeting up with jn's brother, frank, to catch a taxi.. and while we were waiting we took more photos for the camwhores we are (:

CROWN ! in shinny lights :D

haha.. so how was the legal drink? =p u know what? i actually had my 1st legal drink illegally! shhh..=p i drank it last year at my friend's wedding b4 i turned 18! hahaha...
By samantha, at 1 June 2007 at 9:59 am
I THOROUGHLY enjoyed my 18th birthday and to share it with the bestest people on earth was a treat =D Fitting how we went to brassiere..haha..and casino guy sure was short (and very helpful indeed!) Thanks for making it special =D yummy food and hope they liked our tip =D
<3 suwii