i am narcissistic
the about me section that can never truly fully describe a person.
it usually emcompasses the favourite movies, favourite music and all that jazz, but really when you think about it these aspect of me change every few years and can never really define me, as me.
but here are the basics anyway:
1. i'm left handed but drive with my right hand.
2. i like milk, but only safeway light milk.
3. i have a dog named phileo and he's white with a pink nose.
4. i am, after three crazy years, a registered nurse, division one.
5. i wish my life was a musical and i often burst into song and love it when people around me join in too
6. i'm sometimes just a mess but above it all, my jesus is always there to come to the rescue. he's pretty swell :)
--- the christmas picnic of french men and krispykreme faces LOL .
li's 20th and some table loving at max brenners
using the $630498529 optom instruments on the test rabbit suwii cause she is blind .
daylesford roadtrips with barns and those two random old people that we saw everywhere .
cat and her infatuation with old men in short shorts who just had divorces and talked about skinny optoms that just want to make money and liked our awesome colloseum like sandcastle whole for playing cards with whirlpool effects :D
concerts and dramas and hoodies and wolfmother and peter garret our environmental minister singing.
melbourne uni o-week and stealing iphones and getting piracy tshirts and free popcorn :D
taking our terrible bullying as we knock her down with trolleys in deserted bochiu carparks with breadtop bags .
and being generally awesome regina george of our group :)
happy 21st cat!