exam status
june 7: context of nursing 1
june 19: indigenous health
two down, two to go : half time .
i left early for both of them so far.. by the time i got home for the first one, the exam hadn't even finished. which means i'm either really smart and fast . or i had no idea . methinks its the latter.
after exam plans
- movies: pirates; shrek3; romulus, my father (which im re-reading & apparently raimond gaita lectures at ACU ! havent seen him yet though..)
- redesign/fix up bloggy/ website (a plan from the last holidays)
- figure out how to edit movies .
- CLEAN ROOM . do a before and after shot, cause its TERRIBLE .
- catch up with highschool buds . possibly organise another 18th thing .
OH AND SHOPPING ! ive got a lot of birthday money that ive got to use up :D so who wants to come with me ?
oh yeah, theres a lot of carrots at the end of my tunnel .
end of exams officially - 14 days
although after thursday im holiday mode already (:
P's test - 16 days
oh i so hope i pass D: plss .
twenty-four: boly youth camp - 26 days
first camp as youth leader, will it be any different ? will my favourite colour be red ? we'll just have to see..
linda's back - 28 days
anthony's concert - 60 days
not that ive even got tickets yet/ or know if im going . JN PLS <3
clinicals at boxhill hospital - 62 days
aka the make and break of my career . seriouslyz . for work experience i HATED nursing, so i have no idea why im doing it. so this clinical will tell me if ive matured enough to handle it. and im so very scared. D:
socceroos vs. argentina - 98 days
the date has been confirmed ! i finally get to see my boys . CAHILL NEILL KEWELL GRELLA BRESCIANO GET READYY ! *_____________*
<3 2

don't know why. everytime i go into ur blog, the loading is very slow. :p maybe my com's problem
By Sabrina Woon, at 11 June 2007 at 1:00 am
i think its cause i have too many photo posts =/ im change the settings a bit ..
By sarah, at 11 June 2007 at 9:20 pm