so while procrastinating, i was looking through my old bloggy of this time last year & last last year . and i thought it was quite interesting . so i thought i would post it .
June 2006
21 June
the formal entry about my year twelve formal .
statistics in the past 48 hours :
5 hours of sleep
2 goals by brazil >=(
40 bobby pins , at least half a can of hairspray
114 photos ( i didnt upload all of them, still need to get some )
2 chick flicks
2 blocks of chocolate
1 lost voice
the day of the formal :
hairdressers for a few hours ( for both me and li ) . a LOT of hairspray . went to shoppo for my face appointment, and oh how i love getting my makeup done. rushed home, to find phobo arriving, and mikey ( and aunty lily, his mum ) already at my house, while i was still in my trakkiedaks. rushed to change. took many , MANY photos with mikey and family, standing, sitting, with parents, without parents, and stepped into phileo's VOMIT o____________o . fresh vomit . so my parents/mikey had to wash my dress. SO EMBARRASING . zomg.
the night of nights :
the rest of my gorgeous chickas arrived, OH WOW. truly beautiful inside and out. <3 took more group photos, with the limo, in the limo etc. very exciting. although the novelty of the limo ride wore off, it was the experience i guess. anyway, we got there safely and the night began. much photos, michael being my cameraman, much squeeling, some bitching, more photos ( including three sets of professional ones.. ) and just a little bit of dancydancing . the food sucked. oh and balloons ! but seriously, everyone looked FANTASTIC .
highlights of the night :
> backbalwynstreetboys performance . zomg have my babies !> my hair actually staying up the whole whole night . it was rock hard . wearing li's ARWEN ( lotr ) necklace . oh i was an elf .
> the school captain's sexy bare legs . jane actually kneeldown to take a picture of them, zomg if only the angle were a little higher
> TIM CAHILL LOOKALIKE BOUNCER GUY , but only from a distance, in the dark xD . but we still got a picture with him anyway. WAHAHA . poor guy .
> CRAZY DANCING all our 100% original dance moves created by me and jane in the school corridoors. LI DANCE ! COLLECTING BOOK DANCE ! MY SPAZ DANCE ! JANE's BUTT DANCE ! HAIR DANCE ! ANTHONY EMOTICON DANCE ! PENGUIN DANCE ! JEDI DANCE ! MATRIX DANCe ? and then we couldnt think of anymore, so we started again . LI DANCE ! COLLECTING BOOK DANCE ! MY SPAZ DANCE ! etc .
> singing at the top of our lungs int he last song .. LIVING ON A PRAYERRR !!! YEAHHH !! HOLD ON TIGHTT !! YEAHHHH !! LIVING ON A PRAYERR !! awesome song to finish the night off . even though i didnt know more than half the words .. YEAHHHHH !! LIVING ON A PRAYERR !!!
> but the real highlight was my perfect date, michael antonius hardy <3 what a sweetheart =] he took photos for me, followed me around, bought me a corsage, chocolate, jewellery, held my hand, slowdanced with me and gave me his jacket at the end of the night . thanks mikey ! i love you <3
June 2005!8322BE25195FF0B1!679.entry#comment
okay, i came home.. and i started at really angry annoyed post about how much work experience sucked, but after eating.. ive calmed down.. but still.. i dont like it =/
best thing was that i start at 10am.. so i get to sleep in.. =] i got there, and i was really nervous.. but it was alright, because the staff peoples are really nice =] i have two who are looking after me.. jaqui and zana.. and they showed me around and such.. and then we did excerises with them.. it was so cute!! we did the hokey pokeyy!! =] i havent done that in AGESS!! it was fun ^^v.. but they cant.. stand.. so they're just sitting in their chairs.. looking at us.. [ me and jaqui ].. some were just sleeping..
then lunchtime came.. and i had to feeed them.. because they're all demented and cant feeed themselves.. i didnt even know what i was doing.. the first one didnt want to eat.. but i was like.. no, you have to eat.. and then.. suddenly she was like. IENWF:DSN!!!!! SDFJEWOINDS:ONS!!! [ iow . yells at me and i cant even understand her.. ] seriously, i was about to cry!! it was so scary.. ="( so jaqui asked me to do someone else, so she tries to feeed her.. and then.. the old lady just ate.. with no complaints!! how rude o____o..
so then jaqui gave me some other lady, and she didnt complain.. but i was still shaking from the lady before who yelled .. and then this lady, she was alright.. but then halfway through.. she started choking or something.. !!!! so scary.. so the nurse said i should just set up the tables next time.. so i dont haveta to worry about feeeding people anymoree.. *pheww* but still. not fun at all.
and then the day progressed.. and it got really boring.. zana made me talk to random old people [ who just sit around doing nothiing.. ] and it was kinda weird.. i didnt know what to say.. =/ they kept repeating themselves!! it was really akward.. and she just left me there for like.. half an hour.. and then moved me on to another old guy and another half an hour.. so draining.. o___o id rather.. actually do some work.. than talk to old people the whole day!!!
so that was my day .. it was the longest dayy.. everrr.. pleeease pray that the weeek will get better =/ coz im really not looking forward to tomorow!! *siigh* i want this week to be over.. =(
<3 sarah
22 June 2005
hand massaging , true loves and other ramblings . .
only two more days of work experience =] but its getting better actually.. because they didnt make me go upstairs.. [ the people upstairs are demented and cant move much or talk.. but the people downstairs can walk around and talk and stuff.. but they cant remember much or hear either.. ]
so basically, i give the residents hand massages [ and once i had to do a fooot massage ] in the morning, set up for lunch .. help the afternoon activities [ yesterday was coooking and crosswords, today we had a concert and knitting - and colouring for those who dont knit (aka me =P ) ] and set up for dinner! not much.. but the time goes past really sloww..
and when zana asks me to talk to the residents (aka old people) i dont know what to say.. becauase they cant hear me half the time.. and it gets annoying because i haveta repeat myself over and over really loud.. and then they repeat themselves over and over.. o___o anndd.. they keep on changing their stories.. james has two butcher shops.. but sometimes he has three? and edna is 90 or 92.. it changes =P but the people downstairs are really niice =] they call me love, and sweetheart and stuff ! so cute ^^v
anndd.. whats really sweet is that theres this married couple.. and betty, is like severely demented.. she cant talk or anything [ shees the one i had to feeed and nearly died on me ] but her husband comes in everyday without fail =] its so sweet!! he's like, she's my girl =] and yeah, its like in the notebook!! but like real-lifee!! and theres so many couples like that ~ in times where 50% of married couples divorced .. its really sweet to see !! and it gives us all hope ^^v so now.. i just haveta find my true love who will stay wit me till the end , even when im all demented ..
anywayyss.. tomorow we're going to greenborough plaza for an excursion with teh old people.. ! ohh.. and ms grant came to visit me yesterday ! i <3 her =] i used to think she was weird.. but she's so sweet and funny !! ill miss her .. but at least mr welch is back !! yayy ~
and uh, anthony is MINE . thank you =P
<3 sarah ^^v
so what do you think ? do you think ive changed / matured since then ? i sure hope so . not so much from last year's formal - but more from 2005 . that week of work experience was probably one of the worst ever and one of the comments from that entry was :
Aww *hugs*. Trust me Sarah, when you get old, you'll want people to talk to you. Just try for once to be in their shoes. But I'm sorry to hear you're day was tough. lol, at least you know now you don't want to be a nurse. I will try and pray hard that the rest of the week will be better. Good luck with the rest of the week. And remember, God is always with you.20 June 11:13 PM
im getting even more nervous for clinicals now D: 3

All the best in ur coming clinicals... and ur last paper!! Yahhhh..!!
By Sabrina Woon, at 17 June 2007 at 11:30 pm
my prom dress had phileo's vomit?!!
, at
OH WOW! That's so cool to see what you wrote a year and two years ago! wowww!! =D awesome =) So this time last year was all about the yr 12 formal drama?? ahhhhhhhhhhh...lets not go there..but wow! I actually remember the 2006 post...not quite 2005! how interesting =D
oh I'm so full from the risotto tonight ;) and all that junk we ate today..lets chips, RED SUNSET (HALF-STRENGTH DIVIDED BY THREE! LMAO), 1 crepe (shared between three again!), white wine! (something hill!), 2 sushis (pies for sar and jn) and did I miss anything out? There was Starbucks food too =P hahah..ok I'll stop. I bet I'm making ppl hungry ^^ woooottt
<3 suwii