watch out world . sarah has her p's . despite nearly touching a car while changing lanes, leading to the tester making a sound of exclamation and at the end of the test saying "you passed, but its best not to scare the tester" . xD she was one of the nicest testers, i got a threepointturn (aka easiest) and what ? I PASSED ! all praise to GOD ^_______^
"the Lord is the One who will go before you, He will be with you, He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged !" - Deuteronomy 31:7
last night, jn & i (& franks friend vince) went to watch victory vs. south melbourne . what can i say ? 5-1 . victory, victorious of course :D it was freakinngg cold though .. and i like no.15 though i dont know his name .. madskillz . and we were like a metre away from ernie merrick ! and archie thompson aka red cardigan scored countless times..
oh and did i mention it was at the same venue we had our YEAR TWELVE FORMAL ? well, yes . it was :D a YEAR + day to the day (19th june was formal, 20th we visited venue for game). what a coincedence right ? so many memories flooding back, it was hard to concentrate on game .. made me a little sad :(
my brother and jem are in gold coast right now = so jealous . i NEED to go somewhere this holidays. even if its adelaide . i mean . nevermind . want to go to malaysia /singapore to see my boys in the asian cup D: but seriously . gah .
and yesss, i got a free movie ticket from work ! bonuss time :D loves. it.
movies still to see : pirates 3 (zomg i know i still havent seen it), shrek 3 (ditto), romulus my father (shall use free ticket to see that), transformers, fantastic four, jhoom barabar jhooom .
kk does anyone really care about uploading photos from soccer ? i doubt it . reply if u do (:
<3 3

I do
, atCONGRATULATIONS on ur P's.. now you'll officially be a driver. I think you'll enjoy it. Hahaha
By Sabrina Woon, at 25 June 2007 at 12:10 pm
lol jn! awww
hey wasn't there a bit of a riot during the game with some flare-throwing? hope u guys weren't too near it and kept safe =)
and OMG the socceroos are in singapore! ahhhhhhh..harryyyyyyyy noooo..harry must be enjoying the nasi lemak there ^^ not fair
<3 suwii