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Thursday, 20 September 2007
A Week to Remember .

‘Socceroos and girls.’ Discuss.

Thus I begin. The tale of two girls and their companions on a journey of soul-searching and true love. The obstacles they had to overcome, the time they had to sacrifice and the physical strains they had to endure to pursuit their dream of exercising their naked eyes. They’re crazy. They’re retarded. They’re…fan girls. Dun dun dun.

It all began on Friday, 7/Sept/2007. Two girls, namely Srh and Jn, met up at Melb University, positively bursting with excitement. For today, they know, is the day that they will finally get to meet their carrots. Their parmesian cheese and vegemite. Yes, my friends, as you would have guessed, their international soccer team – the Socceroos. And now, I’m gonna ditch this third-personness.

So basicallyyy, me (Jn) and Srh left Melb uni at around 3:15 with our heads not full of QM1 things. Running and spazzing at the same time is a skill and we’re pretty master at that so thus, after a few wrong turns and mistaken identities, we finally made it to Princess Park. An opening training session for the Roos was to be held in a small stadium and Frnk (Jn’s bro) joined us there. They made us wait 20 minutes or so (just coz they’re famous =.-) and after a few false alarms, they emerged from the ground. Yes from the ground. And and, what with the group of noisy kids beside us (we were front row), we saw, with our naked eyes, the Socceroos! In the flesh and blood (though we didn’t see any blood). Lucas Neill came out first, quickly followed by Mark Schwarzer. And we were away, snapping them with our cameras. :D It is undeniable that Lucas Neill looks even hotter in real life than on TV, if that is physically possible. He waved at me *loveheart eyes*. Among the Roos also were Vince Grella (who did funny stretches), Michael Beauchamp, Skoko, Hollman, Kisnobo, Carney, Bresciano, Wilkshire, Culina, etc. oh there was so many of them. All very pretty in their mass of green jumper and dark blue shorts.

Eventually, they all came towards the crowd and signed and photoed with us. Beauchamp takes funny photos. By then it was around 5:30 ish and Srh was already very late with her engagement with Zac Efron. Thus she left before Schwarzer came and before she saw me kiss Archie Thompson xD.


On a less important note, me and Srh saw Daniel Radcliffe with our naked eyes on Sunday at Camberwell and stalked Efron and him at Rove that night. Apparently Nikki was very nice at Rove and waved but I failed to see it. Acutally I didn’t see anyone. (but I met srh’ friend Jackie J)

mMM, I could write much more on Dan and Efron (perhaps not as much as Srh) but my job here is to record our path crossing with the Roos so I shall move on. And yes, readers of Srh’s blog, our paths do cross again (haha).

On Monday, as I was working, Srh was frantically trying to reach me. And when she finally did, she bursted my eardrums by saying ‘I was just following two Socceroos!’, in which I almost teleported to melb central to meet her and Li. (During which I saw and photoed with the Argentinian captain :P)

The story goes that Srh had recognised their roos attired from behind while walking along swanston st near the Commonwealth Bank ATMs. She ran ahead, looked back and saw that it WAS the Roos. By the pictures of their sexy backs, I told her that she had been following Brett Hollman and Patrick Kisnobo. Thus Srh and Li walked down Swanston, hot in the Roos trails, pass the Commonwealth ATMS, into Politix and up Collins. Later I realised that it was indeed a long stalk and I don’t blame them for stopping near Parliament :P. The roos, of course, probably didn’t even break a sweat (what gentle slopes Melb has x)). Srh’s theory is that they walked coz they don’t know how to take a tram hehe <3)>

So thus when I joined the pair at the MC clock, we went up to Shannon Noll’s Hyatt, hoping to see any unsuspecting Roos but saw none. ‘We shall retrace their footsteps again tomorrow before the game,’ Srh and I agreed and parted ways. (the Roos vs Argentina game was on Tuesday MCG at 7:30pm)

Skipping to Tuesday sept 11, srh met me at Melb uni again at around 3:15 and hung around till 4ish for CatCheah to finish class. Us trio went straight down to the city and the stalking began once again. (we sound scary don’t we….) We walked down Swanston and at Collins we took a 109 tram up towards Parliament and unboarded. Srh pointed towards the bend which she last saw the Roos disappear around and we made our way there. And behold! Another Hyatt! The big powerful sign and a tall ominous building. Hyatt. Wow.

With immense self control, we placed a lid on our bubbling emotions, tucked our jerseys out of sight and stuffed the Socceroos scarf into a plastic bag. Solemnly, we entered the hotel with only one question in our heads: would we see the Socceroos here?

By then it was around 5:45pm ish. As we entered the foyer, I saw a figure in a green jumper and dark blue shorts. Meaning to break Srh’s arm, I yelled silently, ‘I think I see one of them!’ When we were in the foyer, we saw Mark Schwarzer sitting on a chair to our left about 15m away. Instinctively, we walked the other direction, calmly, casually, unsuspecting. Srh led us around the stair hole and into a little corridor. (Later she told me and Cat she did that so as to gather our thoughts and think about what to do). And as we walked into the little corridor, we registered vaguely the fact that there were three lifts in it.

We talked gibberish for a while and then. Ding. An elevator opened and out came a grp of official looking people dressed in the socceroo green jumper O.O. At that point, it would’ve been the most ever perfect timing in the world to ask ‘are you thinking what I’m thinking?’ But it was an unspoken question. Rhetorical question. We heard one of the Roos staff being shouted at and he come back to the lifts. Srh asked him ‘So. Whats happening?’ The staff kinda hesitated as he realised we were talking to him and replied ‘Nah I just brought the wrong shirt.’

Me: What the blue one?

Him: No the green one.

We don’t know what he’s talking about. Then there’s a blur in my memory and all of a sudden, the right lift opened and out emerged Jason Culina alone. Hyerthinking and spazzness took over my brain. ‘Go Culina,’ I half shouted. He turned around, looking half surprised and waved and uttered something in acknowledgement. Meeheeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D After a while, the middle lift opened and revealed Marco Bresciano. Again, I called out ‘Go Bresc!’ and he waved his hand to reply, looking surprised. A few more lifts came down, carrying more official people and hotel people.

Then, the one lift to remember.

At around 5:54 ish, the right elevator opened and for a split second we saw Vince Grella staring blankly ahead of himself. They came out, and among them was Graham Arnold looking slightly disgruntled. The cart emptied quickly and the last of them all to leave was none other than Lucas Neill himself. Spazz. As before, I yelled ‘Go Lucas!’ slightly louder than I had before but there was an ipod stuck in his ear so he probably didn’t hear me D: Neill walked on out the corridor, very slowly and very casually like he was walking in a park on a sunny afternoon caring nothing but the song he was listening to. Almost like he was showing off but there was no one to show of too (unless he saw us of course :D which he probably did coz the corridor was small and we were the only living things there)

Srh: Can u smell them?

I sniffed – hmm freshly applied deodorant.

So to finish off the story with one sentence as it is getting very long, the other Socceroos came out of the lifts, during which Carney stared at me, and afterwards Cat had to work so we rushed off to MCG to drop her off and since it was only 6:30ish, Srh and I crusaded around the outside of the stadium showing off our photos with the Socceroos but when it was time to go in, we went in to find our wrong seats, then our correct ones and settled down to enjoy the game which we both agreed to have passed superdupermuper fast with the end result being 1-0, a win for the Argens, and Skoko retired and we all love him, so at the end of the day it was the end of the day and our faboos week so goodbye all.




i saw u in city. u stalked away. :(

my friend i was with was so sexi :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 September 2007 at 5:30 pm  

o this brings a tear to ma eye

<3 jarah long

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 24 September 2007 at 3:26 pm  

Good luck with your nursing studies!

By Blogger Peter, at 28 September 2007 at 10:04 pm  

HEY Sarah! I stumbled on your blog and thought I'd just say hi! :P


By Blogger Maria, at 2 October 2007 at 4:57 pm  

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