Thank God .
so i havent told many people, and i dont know why i didnt . i guess it was really embarrasing, and probably didnt want to burden people , since everyone else had their own exam dramas etc etc .. but last week .. i failed my aseptic technique assessment .
there were a few complicating factors, and right now, looking back .. it sounds a little trivial .. but because of that for the past week ive been feeling pretty down and had this ..achy feeling in my heart . i guess i was angry at the teacher, at myself .. but more, though i know i shouldnt have, but at God because He let this happen. its a pretty poor mindset to have, but i was there . why did He fail me when i was trying to do His will ? anyway, to cut the rambling short , i was pretty depressed . you have no idea how much .. over something so trivial .
today was the dreaded retest, and after waking up late (woke at 11.20am for a 12pm test !! ) , my dad drove me down to uni and in the car.. i asked him to pray for me . and as he did .. i was crying everywhere . we finally got there , with 5 minutes to spare .
well, guess what ? I PASSEDD ! BOOYAHHH ! :D when i got there, the guy before me came out , and it was pretty clear that he had failed again . that didnt do much for my confidence, but without thinkning she had called my name and i went straight in . i was shaking, but by the grace of God .. i got through it . with comments like 'excellent technique, well done sarah! ' i was pretty ecstatic ! and yes, i celebrated with breadtop :D
on the bus the way home, i got out my bible.. and this verse came out ..
" O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below— you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way.
You have kept your promise to your servant David my father; with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it— as it is today."
So morale of the story, God keeps his promises .
I don't know what i keep forgetting that .
But theres another story to put in my book of testimonies .
wow, ive already written a lot . i was gonna rant about exams , but i think ill stop it there .. and leave you with a survey from sam (:
Part 1: On the Outside
Name : sarah wo
Date of Birth : 1905
Current Status : taken by zefron .
Eye Colour : brown like poo .
Hair Colour : black like week old poo .
Righty or Lefty : lefty ftw !
Zodiac Sign : snake , like ayame in furuba
Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage : malaysian chinese .
Your Fear : giant mutant budgies .
Your Weakness : FOOOOOOD D: oa pls .
Your Perfect Pizza : margerita with heapss of melty stringy and slightly burnt CHEEESE <3
Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up : what day is it ? what time is it ? can i sleep in ? DO I HAVE TO WORK ? NOOOOOOO D:
Your bedtime : in the past week its been about 2am .
Your most missed memory : this time last year . bring me back plssssss . i miss you .
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : coke ftw .
McDees or Burger King : mcdees . but hungryjacks for grilled chicken burger .
Single or Group Dates : both - like in vanessa hudgen's vidclip for ' say okay ' .. that would be a perfect date . (and not only because it has zefron <3333 )
Adidas or Nike : nike - because they sponsor the socceroos & lucas neill models for them . and marky works for them :D
Lipton Tea or Nestea : neither, not much for tea .
Chocolate or Vanilla : CHOCOLATEE !!
Cappucino or Coffee : cappucino just for the bubbles on top (: i have many memories of just eating the top of my parents cappucinos .
Part 5: Do You...
Smoke : NO GARY NO . so many biological risks associated with it . for every body system we learn in bio .. -_______-''
Curse : no .
Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol : nope :D sober for 2 months .
Gone to the mall : err yes . aka SHOPPO aka . a hole -____- ''
Been on stage : nope
Eaten sushi : yaya ! sushi + breadtop = what gets me through uni XD
Dyed your hair : nope .
Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game : YES . no thats a lie .
Changed who you were to fit in : i guess, but not to the point that it compromises who i am . if that makes sense ..
Part 8
Age you're hoping to be married : 23-30 . NOT 42 thankyou .
Part 9: In A Guy/Girl
Best Eye colour : brown like chocolate . though blue eyes are yum .
Hair colour : emo black .
Short or long hair : short, but not as short is mikey's . between that and zefron's hair is love thankyou .
Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago : this xD no, not studying .
1 hour ago : studying about digestion in the small intestine . weeee brush border enzymes ftw !
4 1/2 hours ago : watching TV & eating .
1 month ago : it was heroes&villians + jackie's 18th + no parents weekend ! good times (:
1 year ago : that fated day, spesh&bio exams . best time of my live XD i heart you vce .
Part 11: Finish The Sentence
I love : Jesus, family, bfffs & bolys :D
I feel : like dancing ~
I hate : my inability to study for long periods of time & the amount of content i have to cover .
I hide : and seek , ben mckenzie's version from idol <3 .. err i hide food around my room ?
I miss : this time last year x1000000
I need : to pass these exams . those red sunnies . more summer clothes . a new job .
Part 12: Tag 5 People.
1) sabrina (since sam already tagged)
2) phoebe (" ")
3) maria
4) joanne
5) .. sigh i have no more friends that blog . its so sad -____-'' 8

Praise God, Sarah! What a wonderful testimony showing the love of God! ;)
By Maria, at 1 November 2007 at 4:01 pm
are you really a lefty?
By Maria, at 1 November 2007 at 4:45 pm
ps: I love your new layout especially the lines. Hahaha...
By Sabrina Woon, at 1 November 2007 at 6:18 pm
By princessjo, at 1 November 2007 at 9:38 pm
maria : yes im a lefty ! represent ! :D why would i lie about it ? xDD why you didnt think i was cooooool enough ? of course i am .. i radiate with lefty coolness .
sab : i finish 12nov . lets do something 14th mebe , since you leave on 16th right ?
jo : YAY YOU'RE HERE :D party time !
By sarah, at 2 November 2007 at 2:10 am
YAYYYYY!!! Now I can see ur blog!! :D
By samantha, at 2 November 2007 at 1:30 pm
heeheeee!!! Saarah!! U were so cute last time! flower girl for A. Linda's wedding! =p U were like so restless.. hahahaha...
By samantha, at 4 November 2007 at 6:53 pm
Yeah, let's do something on the 14th!! =)
By Sabrina Woon, at 4 November 2007 at 7:08 pm