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Thursday 24 June 2010

am proud.
am sad.
am everything.

lucas neill - the captain

neil & pimmy huggles (:


before the match determination.

the green and gold army are always behind them.

despite contraversy.

and those red cards.



who i saw shopping on bourke st mall.

the classic timmy celebration.

pointing back at the ghana kid who pointed at us after the redcard.

timmy celebrationz.

(Y) (Y)

Tuesday 15 June 2010


the lilychen & my new food blog.
cause we're fatties.
and like taking photos.

we might be noob, but it's fun.
and life has to be fun sometimes


(photo taken when i went to the good food & wine show and saw gary and george from masterchef! aha i should upload those photos soon too..)

Monday 14 June 2010

So I graduated..

To me this was a pretty big deal. Uni for me went way to quick and I feel like I never really got to experience what you're supposed to experience in uni. I only really enjoyed the last year of it.. and that in itself was too short due to placements and all that jazz.

So graduating was kind of marking the real end to a chapter of my life that I felt like I never really got to live.. which was sad. On the bright side however, at least I graduated from something I love and brings me into a pretty awesome career.

I was pretty proud (: And I guess it's these big milestones in life that you find out who really cares and bothers to make an effort to let you know they care.

So thanks loves for those who came and those who msged (:

Sabrina; Catono; Johnjohn; Li O__o

And those that endured the whole ceremony X)

My cousin, Suwii (who came straight from clinics) and the Dermawan ♥

My parents who had to endure the whole threee years of tantrums and early mornings and last minute assignment editting and driving me to the bus stop cause I like sleep.

And of course, those that made the last year amazing!

Love you guys!!
(Awaiting the professional photo which had all of us in it (: )


Thursday 3 June 2010
june 8th

All graduating students must wear full academic dress – black gown, black trencher/bonnet and the appropriate hood/stole for your award.

Your Academic Regalia will be ordered upon payment of the Graduation fee. Sizing is not required as gowning professionals provide all sizes on the day.

Dress code at graduation ceremonies is smart. We suggest you wear an appropriate seasonal outfit, keeping in mind the weather on the day and that the gowns are quite warm.

Attire that is not suitable includes:

  • Jeans
  • Singlets
  • Thongs (and similar footwear)
  • Runners/Joggers
  • Shorts

The length of the gown is below the knee so female graduands that wear knee dresses knee length or shorter will often appear to the audience as though they are only wearing the gown.

Graduands will need to negotiate stairs during the presentation and therefore very high heels can be problematic.

The hoods (faculty colours) worn by Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral graduands can often be difficult to hold in place. Most hoods have a loop that can be slipped over a button on a buttoned shirt to assist holding it in place.

We also recommend a simple hairstyle that will accommodate wearing your trencher (graduation hat), which is close-fitting.

Faculty Colours

Faculty Colour Name Approximate Shade
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Spectrum Blue
Faculty of Education Malachite Green
Faculty of Health Sciences Peach



JUNE 8th. Ceremony starts at 5.30. Come and take pictures with me from 2-4pm.



I'm not really good with words.. which is why I probably don't blog as much as I should. I just can't seem to get my thoughts out in words. I read this the other day on a blog of a fellow Sarah of whom I stalk regardly. She kinda just took the words out of my head and eloquently shared them onto the interwebz.

I've editted bits out ofc. Here we go.

"This is what I’ve really learned this year. Relationships are so important but so f***ing scary. People walk in and out of yours lives every day and sitting back and taking it as people you love leave, people you could’ve loved won’t listen, and the people you need disappear is such a burden of humanity.

Maybe I think about “change” too much. I really don’t like the idea of just leaving everything behind. Changing places always means saying goodbye or at least feeling like something is empty or missing.

I’m realizing that the only person I can count on is myself. I don’t mean that in the sense that everybody else lets you down. But you’re the only person you’ll see every day, every month, every year. You can’t count that other people won’t change in ways that seem strange or unappealing to you. Everybody changes, and you can’t expect people to change along with you. Thoughts change, emotions change, people change.

Our young lives are a rushing stream of experiences, people, experiences, people, experiences, people. And we can’t get off this ride as much as we wanted to. I feel sick sometimes, sick that nobody will stick with me. We fall second and third and fourth and sometimes don’t even make the countdown in terms of who people care about most. I’ll never be a person’s number one. Even our families, or closest friends value and tend to other relationships.

I sometimes dream I could live in a world with no goodbyes. But that’s just silly. We’re meant to move forward through our lives. We’re meant to branch and reach and grow and travel and explore and learn and change."

Since starting full-time shift work, I feel like my life has completely changed. Even since celebrating my 21st, I've realised how far I've come from who I was last year. My network of close friends has frizzled from at least a dozen to two or three.. and even those relationships feel somewhat strained.

I love my job, I love who it's making me become.. compassionate, confident, knowledgable, respectable, kind.. and the impact I'm making on people's lives (because it's not just about the patient, it's the patient's families that I care for as well..). I love it. I love the sense of satisfaction knowing that my life is dedicated for others and not just for making money for my own comforts.

Even thinking about not working for the next two weeks kind of makes me sad thinking about what I'm missing out on at work. On the other hand.. I LOVE SLEEP. I LOVE INTERNET. I LOVE GREYS ANATOMY. I LOVE BEING A BUM. So much captial letters.

So yes, I will continue to enjoy my annual leave.. and hopefully use this time to catch up with a few people that have time to catch up with me.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

for the only loyal reader of my blog,
the soon to be qualified physiotherapist,
the girl that made the t-ball team a mixed team,
the other designated driver,
the camwhore at the bus stop/the student room/the toilet/anywhere,
the given by her grandmother pajama wearer,
the one banana a day walking to dight ave companion,
the lover of a certain chocolate sandwich biscuit,
the loudest laugh and sigh from miles round,
the artist behind the mutant bluebear,
the woman to has had the same haircut for the past 21 years..

happy 21st birthday!

just wanted to thank you for ..

the times in methods, and highschool that seems so long ago now, yet so fresh in our minds and our exact same vce subjects and borderline stalkerlike obsession with our teachers ..and our first photo together,

the first ever dandenong roadtrip and said roadtrip partners and all the drama that goes along with that LD and every other drama that comes and goes.

the fob adventures and talking in fob accents and talking about fobs and getting interrupted by random old man on tram who eavvesdropped on our exisistentialistic conversations,

the fresh bebe coconuts and tuskerirriki d&ms and steps together towards independence and the scaryness along the way,

to crazy fun parties, groovimanderaaiyoyoyos, huggles, falling into people's arms and just fun filled times (:

but mostly for those moments, seated outside your house/my house/ the park near linda's house in either one of RSL or TAZ listening to richard mercer and just talking, ranting, bitching, encouraging, laughing.. LOVING X) those are the moments that i cherish the most.

su-wen ng, i love you more than any south-asian male
and i give you permission to touch anytime you like X)