two hours till my house will be filled with screaming girls for the next 24 hours or so . and so i shall take this oppotunity to post about my weekend .
work 8am - 1pm as the usual . i saw my english tutor's husband and little boy who has grown much since i last saw him in october last year xD
after work, i drove straight to footscary aka minhui's ghetto hood . for her birthday celebration :D and yes, in my safeway uniform . the food was spicy, disturbing vietnamese vidclips, her friends were scary (one hissed at me D:) , sarah came an hour late & the nutella cake was good :P. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINHUI ! you're finally legal ^_________^V savour the nutella .
church was awesome . we sang ' saviour king ' - such a powerful song . oh man, i was crying like crazy . the moment of just being in God's pressence with hot tears running down your face because of the overwhelming feeling of love, mercy, awe and just worship is beyond this world.
That my portion is Him, and I'm more than blessed .
Let now our hearts burn with a flame
A fire consuming all for your Son's holy name
And with the heavens we declare
You are our king .
after church we headed for lunch, then visited john & irene at the mercy . i am in love with baby imogen :) she's so gorgeous , but so tiny (: its so amazing .
after the hospital we headed to the city, and visited sarah ho's place . such a cool room xD we then spent the next two hours KARAOKING . haha and cause we were asian and wanted to have our money's worth we fast fowarded most of the songs so they were really fast . xD a lot of screaming, wailing, rapping but not a lot of singing . lloves it .
we headed to sticker photos which turned out funny =/ and then maccas for a cheap dinner as we were to splurge on chocolate ! we spent a while looking for koko black on collins , but ended up at mc max brenners where alex wong wouldnt give me free chocolate even though i have pics of him as juliet of romeo and juliet .
andd i got 99c yogo and m&ms and was dropped off by ida's dad aka uchang . 2

hahhahahah...*runs round the ng house screaming in preparation for sleepover in just over an hour*
nice weekend u had sar =D wish my life was as exciting as yours! OMG U WENT TO MERCY?? coz yes mummy ng does some shifts there too *GASP* what a cute baby =D imagine..we were all as cute as that last time...awww..all 18 years ago =P and *ahem* look at us now =D woot!
<3 suwii
sooooo divineee.. ahhhhh... hahahaaha!! anyway, it was fun hanging out with u. More next time?
By Sabrina Woon, at 25 June 2007 at 9:09 pm